Uncertain about what to pursue for your further studies career Now is the best time to find out We are providing career assessment service at only RM30 for 3 sessions of online consultation by the ...
Help us understand pain better
The past 2 years have taught us that life is probably not going to become any easier anytime soon Having said that as mental health professionals we choose to believe that inner peace and contentme...
It has been almost a year since we launched our CSR program but life hasn t gotten any easier We are not sure if our effort has made any real difference in the sea of suffering but we are committed...
Hi friends Have you heard about intelligence and personality Generally intelligence encompasses a range of cognitive abilities including spatial memory verbal memory verbal processing non verbal pr...
Leadership Livewire Enabling Positive Mental Health in Face of Uncertainty This Week s Livewire is with Dr Shawn Clinical psychologist currently a visiting psychologist at Hospital Selayang Pain Cl...
We are glad to announce that our team has expanded and we are once again able to respond to requests in a timely manner Reach out to us if you need mental health support during these trying times S...
We are glad to have been able to do our part in supporting mental health via our corporate social responsibility CSR program but at the same time feeling complicated to see the overwhelming request...
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Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Program Pandemic giving rise to work and financial stresses leading to mental health issues requiring psychological services placing further financial burden lim...